Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So with the new gym membership, my CCS finally getting under control, me not being sick, and feeling like life isn't throwing any super severe curve balls at me, I'm getting back on track to losing the rest of the weight.

So far, so good. I've been going to the gym and eating healthy the last 5 days or so. Part of what has made me be very focused has been the frequency in which I focus on what is good and what I'm looking forward to in regards to losing the weight. So if you're paying attention, you're going to hear A LOT about that.

In order to plan accordingly I want to have some major goals and reasons for losing the weight.

Number Goals
1. 50 lbs to lose
2. 15% body fat to lose
3. 33 weeks as a timeline goal (June 4th, 2010)
4. Have perfect beautiful posture. (I hate to admit this. My mother was right. My posture sucks.)

For the tangible goal - I believe I can honestly say "YES! There is nothing left but gnar. I AM IN SHAPE." when I do an IronMan. That would be a massive accomplishment - I would have to be insanely fit in order to complete it. A Swim of 2.4 miles, 112 miles on the bike, and a marathon run (26 miles 385 yards). It's well rounded and something I'm going to do.

I'm not insane. Baby steps are the way to go. So my first baby step will be a "Sprint Triathalon" in July of 2010 which is a 1/3 mile swim,12.0 mile bike, and 3 mile run. Completely doable. So stay tuned for the reasons why reaching my target goal is going to rock, the reasons I'm looking forward to losing weight, and the progress along the way.


  1. Just to clarify -- I'm sure I wouldn't have expressed it that exact word! ;)

  2. Are you planning any events between now and then? Lemme know if you'd like me to look at your schedule with you.

    I thought you were moving this winter?
