Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pretty, oh-so-pretty!

As I wasn't feeling particularly up or peppy or pretty today, I decided to spend some of my tax return money on a nice dress and white vintage bolero jacket. It was going to be used to go dancing, but my partner canceled for the chance at some nice powder skiing so now I'm taking Paul out to a nice dinner, which induces happy-warm-fuzzy, I-feel-pretty endorphins in my brain. I'm really excited. We're going to Troiani, which is where my company took me on a "Welcome" lunch and I loved the atmosphere and the food was really excellent. I've been back another time with a coworker and everything is just fabulous and the service is really great.

I love that at this point in my life I can decide to splurge a little, do something nice for myself, and feel good about it (not guilty). I'll take a picture of me in my pretty dress and post later on, as it's been quite a while since some of you have seen me and the dress is super pretty.

I also wanted to post some of my poetry today. It definitely another love of my life besides cycling and dancing and if Paul and Andrew have their way, skiing will be in there somewhere too. Frankly, the idea of all that fast awesome adrenaline filled *down* combined with the fact I don't have to trudge up the mountain for it is very appealing. So here's to one of the other aspects of me:

My lips leave marks of my passage
wherever they have touched,
coffee cups and napkin marks
stained by the essence
of my emerging beauty.
The metamorphosis is unseen by me,
but occasionally I notice
the lingering trails
of the marks I make
on the things around me.

Sock Poem
stripy knee-high socks
speak sexy soliloquies to society
rise regally, resiliently,
tenaciously cling to the tethers that tie you
lift yourself up by them,
strain to fill those bands of multicolors
with your vivacity, vigor, and verve.

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