Since the test isn't really conclusive, just generally informative - there's a few things it could be - rheumatoid arthritis, (which, with my symptoms seems unlikely), fibromyalgia , lupus, or something else. All of which are difficult to diagnose, they have no clear idea about what causes any of them, and there's no real cure. Treatments are available to mitigate the symptoms when flare ups occur, but no real fix.
I'll be fine. Last couple of days have been better symptom wise. It's better knowing I should take it easy and not push it. Pushing myself - physically or mentally or emotionally - makes it much worse. In reality nothing's really figured out and I won't really know a diagnosis for at the MINIMUM a month, more like two. But thought I should let people know why I've been unavailable, not really communicative, not wanting to go out, etc... So this is a broadcast letting you know I'm still alive, just under the weather.
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