Friday, March 27, 2009

Broken Thoughts about the Last Week

So I got off the evil medication that had been screwing with my thyroid last Sunday and around Tuesday/Wednesday I starting to feel much more like myself again. It's amazing how un-myself I get when every thing's out of whack. It feels like surfacing from the depths of the ocean when I get out form under one of these funks. Experiences like this ALWAYS make me appreciate how well I function when my body's working well.

Only memorable parts of this week were that I worked on all three of my bikes on Tuesday. It took two hours to clean/lube/swap out some parts/etc... Ironically after all of that Wednesday I start in to bike to get my blood drawn before going to work and the screw that holds the left crank/pedal in fell out. It was typical Seattle weather so it's rainy-gray-gray-gray-rainy-cold-rain some more so I couldn't find the screw and had to bike home one legged (over a mile). It sucked and I'm sure I looked really funny. Right now it's at a shop getting repaired and I probably won't get the bike back until about a week. I already miss it.

The high point was that since the road bike was out of commission I went mountain biking with Andrew at Soaring Eagle Park on Thursday, which is amazing. The terrain was great - lots of rolly single track, root encrusted, HUGE mud puddles filled with water everywhere and some nice stretches that you could get up some great speed. Anyway, it made me really appreciate Iri. It was definitely what she was made for and I realized why exactly I love mountain biking.

1. I get to get dirty. As my mom can attest, I LOVED playing in the mud and the dirt when I was a kid. I can remember one time in particular that it rained really hard and there was a massive amount of standing water/mud in our backyard and neighbors garden. When I knocked on the back door before coming back in the house my mom looked at me shocked through the screen door with a face I'll never forget. She told my brother and I "Stay there!". Putting paper bags on the floor in between the backdoor and the bathroom she told us to jump into the tub with all our clothes on. We were COVERED in mud. I can't imagine how much of a pain it was for her to clean up after us, especially me, when we were young.
2. Mud puddles, moguls, going down fast, etc... I love fun nifty things that make me do things/experience a feeling with my body I wouldn't normally get to.
3. I get to bike.
It's a total bonus I get to do all those things all at once with mountain biking.

Things are going well otherwise. Dwight, Paul's friend is coming down this weekend and there's the Tour de French Fry we're checking out on Saturday. Since I don't have Damian, I won't be participating, but it should be fun to take some good pictures. I ?think? Andrew's racing on Saturday and if he is I might go watch/play myself. Work's kinda sucked this last week, I've got a lot on my plate with 4 or 5 different projects going on and things are deadline sensitive right now, which always makes it a little worse. As usual, everyone thinks I'm their top's part of my job, but it gets tiring sometimes. I just finished The Autobiography of Malcom X, which I hadn't read in over 7 years and is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE books. Very well written and a beautiful story of an amazing personality.

A word I came across I like
deliquesce \'de-li-'kwes\ v *1: to dissolve or melt away 2: to become soft or liquid with age or maturity

1 comment:

  1. I'm racing on Sunday, and you're totally welcome to come.
